We are a Hawaii collaborative of improvement teams from across the state committed to accelerating ideas to implementation. Together, we learn, reflect, solve, create, grow and think. We convene to optimize idea flow..making Hawaii safer... SAFEST in health and healthcare.
Moments from 2018 and 2019 Face to Face Programs!
Our Face to Face is Scheduled for August 2, 2022!

"ERAS is the Human- Human LINK (in perioperative/surgical care) that ensures that technology is not pushing us apart " Olle Ljungqvist, MD, ERAS Society President
(see 12 min TED talk below)

Hawaii Safer Care has been a healthcare improvement collaborative since 2009.
2009-2012: Statewide Central-line associated blood stream infections decreased by 82%...
...the lowest SIR of any state for three years
2013-2015: Statewide Colorectal surgical site infections decreased by 61.7%
Come back frequently and visit this section.
Icons will link to more and more tools and resources as the collaborative builds and shares!